We intend to Care you and always want to support you
We are AgroDynamics!
We want to serve you and always happy with you!
About AgroDynamics
``AgroDynamics`` is a consultancy and social group of professionals, specialized in innovative techniques for biodiversity, climate change, natural ingredients, natural and organic production, value addition, HEISs, rural development, cultural, heritage and agri business. We impart training to farmers, organize field days, crop fertilizers & water requirements, soil reclamation, tunnel farming, export orientation, high value crops and much more services for the farmers and rural community. Agro Dynamics is coordinating national and international organizations for farming community.
Project Planning
AgroDynamics consultants guide you on the development of business plan and focus on critical issues.
Agro Forestry
WE visit your property and assist you to develop a management plan for agro forestry on your site.
Organic Services
We can guide on you organic solutions for certification, production and marketing.
Agri Business
AgroDynamics professionals guide you on Agri Business development and its scope.
Our Skills
We’re a team of highly innovative professional and passionate experts from different professions and sectors. Our major skills are graphically presented here as under:
Project Planning 80%
Agro Forecasting 85%
Organic Services 90%
Agri Business Solution 70%
Rural Development 75%
Customer Services 80%
Our Creative Team
AgroDynamics is organized and supported by a team of highly innovative professional and passionate experts from different sectors and professions
Asif Shahzad
IT & HR Professional
Graduated from University of Punjab, post-graduated (PGD-IT) in Software Engineering and completed his Masters (MBA-HRM) from Virtual University of Pakistan. He has diversified work experience in different organizations.
Rao Shafiq-ur-Rehman
• Founder and Chief Executive Officer of AgroDynamics
• Market Analyst, trainer Value Chain Development & multi-stakeholder processes, SME development, B2B matchmaking
Pirzada M. Moshabbir
HEIS Specialist
• HEIS Specialist
• Market Analyst, trainer Value Chain Development & multi-stakeholder processes, SME development, B2B matchmaking
Dr. Ijaz Ahmad
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
• Founder and Chief Executive Officer of AgroDynamics
• Market Analyst, trainer Value Chain Development & multi-stakeholder processes, SME development, B2B matchmaking
Shakeel Ahmed
Adviser Natural Ingredients for Food, Cosmetics & Pharmaceuticals
Adviser Natural Ingredients for Food, Cosmetics & Pharmaceuticals.
• Accredited Trainer Market Research, market access requirements.
• Senior Consultant at sister company I. A. Enterprises.
• Master’s Degree Business Management
• Person
• Operations Director
• Languages: English, Urdu
• Personal traits: accurate, analytical, result-oriented
• Market Analyst and Trainer
• Public Relations Manager
• Personal traits: creative, resourceful and dedicated
Mirza Azmat Beg
Advisor Environment, Water Resource Management
Mr. Azmat Beg is practicing professional Environmentalist in various capacities since 1972 for Preparation of Environmental Impacts Assessment (EIA), Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) reports of development projects, preparation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) of development projects, preparation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of Development projects, On farm water Management, In situ determination of soil physical and hydraulic parameters and soil salinity through sensors and Electromagnetic Devices and development of "Soil Moisture Retention Curves" for irrigation scheduling and reclamation of salt affected lands, Use of saline/sodic water and land for agriculture and forestry..
Dr. Muhammad Tariq Iqtedar
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium.
Adeel Ahmad Aamir
Strategy/Financial Director, HR Manager
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium.
Abdul Latif Chaudhary
Agriculture Expert
He is practicing professional Agronomist/Agriculture Expert in various capacities since 1973 for project planning, preparation of feasibility reports and development plan, monitoring and evaluation, studies, preparation of institutional and integrated rural development plan of various agricultural, irrigation, drainage, water resource management and groundwater projects.
What we do
AgroDynamics is ``Not for Profit organization`` that provide services to individual farmers, farmer groups, business support organizations & entrepreneurs with demand-driven technical & managerial services to improve their productivity, competitiveness and quality for their enterprises. Agro Dynamics provides services for biodiversity, food security, Food safety, climate change, culture and heritage, rural development, sustainability, from farm to fork and much more
AgroDynamics consultants guide you on the development of business plan and focus on critical issues.
Agro Forestry
WE visit your property and assist you to develop a management plan for agro forestry on your site.
Organic Services
We can guide on you organic solutions for certification, production and marketing.
Agri Business
AgroDynamics professionals guide you on Agri Business development and its scope.
New Customers Acquisition
AgroDynamics introduces Local exporters to potential buyers, wholesalers, distributors and government officials by selectively utilizing Trade Missions & Trade Shows.
Customers Services
AgroDynamics team of specialists has extensive & diversified experience, ranging from study design & execution to communication of results and implementation of action plans. Our goal is to provide clients with complete solution
Consultancy Services for Biodiversity, Food Security, Food Safety, Climate Change, Culture & Heritage, Rural Development, Sustainability, From Farm To Fork, Agronomic Practices, Plant Nutrition Management, High Efficiency Irrigation Systems, Agri Business Development and Export Orientation
Project Planning
Agro Forecasting
Organic Services
Agri Business Solution
New Customers Acquisition
Customer Services
Our Featured Works
Here we are going to introduce you with our featured works which are bench mark of our services
Mountains and Markets: Biodiversity & Business in Northern Areas
Spread across 175,000 square kilometre of the Hindu Kush, Karakoram and Western Himalayan mountain ranges, northern Pakistan is rich in global biodiversity. Although protected areas now cover some 11 percent of the mountains, and community co-managed conservancies a further 12 percent, threats remain to the region's unique biodiversity due to poverty and limited options for sustainable sources of livelihood. This project uses voluntary certification of non-timber forest products (NTFP) as a tool to promote biodiversity conservation and strengthen existing conservation efforts with innovative market-based mechanisms. The project develops community and institutional capacity for certified production of biodiversity-friendly nontimber forest products in Northern Pakistan and stimulates market demand for these products thereby creating new economic incentives for conservation.
The project objective is the sustainable production of biodiversity goods and services through community ecosystem-based enterprises in demonstration conservancies in the northern mountains of Pakistan. The project builds on the achievements of the Mountain Area Conservancy Project and complements the Government's programme for mountain areas conservation.
After years of experience in serving our clients at local or national level, we’re offering services to make lives of famers and local agri businesses better.
Agronomist Review
Pehur High Level Canal Extension Project Swabi KPK for Asian Development Bank - ADBIndependent Agronomist Review of the impacts of the project on the agricultural productivity of farm and recommendations on improved farming practices to optimize agricultural income
From Farm to Fork
Recent changes in attitude about food safety, food security, food freshness, food seasonality, and small-farm economics.
Involving methods that do not completely use up or destroy natural resources
Rural Development
Adopting innovative and cost effective technologies and saving habitat in rural community.
Culture and Heritage
Indus Civilization, Gandhara Civilization, Islamic Period, Sikh Period, British Period, Post-independence Period
Climate Change & Environment
Social Canges Impact, Environmental Changes Impact and EIA Environment Impact Assessment
Food Safety & Security
Good Agricultural Practices, Good Food Safety Practices, Good Food Handling Practices to stimulate national, bilateral, multilateral and non-governmental efforts for food to everyone.
Saving life on Earth in all its forms in a particular habitat and keeping natural ecosystems functioning and healthy.
Agronomic Practices
Improving the land to use it more efficiently, improve soil quality, enhance water use, manage crop residue and improve the environment through better fertilizer management.
High Efficiency Irrigation System
Conveyance of water from the source to points of use by means of small emitters i.e. Drip, bubbler, sprinkler, rain-gun, centre pivot etc.
Plant Nutrition Management
Macro and Micro Nutrients availability to plants, chemical and non-chemical fertilizer management to boost the potential of your produce.
Agribusiness Development
Coordination for export and export orientation, B to B, Exhibition and Trade Fair participation
Irrigation & Fertilizer Scheduling
The proper irrigation & fertilizer scheduling is needed for the efficient use of water, seed, fertilizer and other inputs.
Floriculture Development
Support for the expansion and development of the flowers industry, production of bedding and garden plants, foliage plants, cut flowers and cut cultivated greens.
Landscaping ideas for your backyard, including garden ideas, flowers, and garden design. Discover new landscape designs and ideas to boost your home's curb appeal
After years of experience in serving our clients across the globe, we’re offering services to make lives of farmers and agri businesses better.
Agronomist Review
Pehur High Level Canal Extension Project Swabi KPK for Asian Development Bank - ADBIndependent Agronomist Review of the impacts of the project on the agricultural productivity of farm and recommendations on improved farming practices to optimize agricultural income
From Farm to Fork
Recent changes in attitude about food safety, food security, food freshness, food seasonality, and small-farm economics.
Involving methods that do not completely use up or destroy natural resources
Rural Development
Adopting innovative and cost effective technologies and saving habitat in rural community.
Culture and Heritage
Indus Civilization, Gandhara Civilization, Islamic Period, Sikh Period, British Period, Post-independence Period
Climate Change & Environment
Social Canges Impact, Environmental Changes Impact and EIA Environment Impact Assessment
There are many variations of services we offer. We have tried to present our featured services on a tree.
Project Planning
Our project planning support will provide a step-by-step approach to creating a simple project plan at the beginning of any project.
Organic Services
We can guide your organisation through the process of conceptualizing, suggest new concepts and alternative ways of organic development.
Agro Forecasting
Forecasting and Estimating the Yield of different crops could be brought under cultivation on your farms.
Agri Business Solutions
We bring a unique combination of expertise in agriculture related product development, technical marketing and business development to clients worldwide.
AgroDynamics possess diversified and multidisciplinary portfolio, our featured portfolio is depicted as Project Planning, Agro Forecasting, Organic Services, Agri Business Solution, New Customers Acquisition, Customer Services
Top notch support and customer satisfaction is our most important priority. Just drop us an email and we will always be available for your help and care. You can see what our Client says about us!
Akbar Shah
CEO - Hashwan Traders Gilgit
Agrodynamics has provided advisory services for Export Coaching, Trainings, technical Assistance and participation in EU Exhibitions
Shoaib Zahid Malik
CEO - Kausar Rice Mills Lahore
Agrodynamics has coordinated for Export Coaching , Trainings, technical Assistance and participation in EU Exhibitions
Muhammad Ghafoor Khan
CEO - MGK Traders Swat
The Agrodynamis has provided Export Coaching, Trainings and participation in EU Exhibitions
Enam Ullah Ghazi
Director - Mountain Fruit Company Gilgit
Agrodynamics has coordinated for Export Coaching, Trainings, participation in EU Exhibitions
Muhammad Ali Khan (MAK)
Director International - BM Pvt Ltd. Lahore
Agrodynamics has coordinated for Export Coaching and participation in EU Exhibitions
Imtiaz Hussain
CEO - Imtiaz Enterprises Karachi
Agrodynamis has provided Coordination & Technical Services for Boosting our Exports of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables to EU Market
Muhammad Abad
CEO - Taj Food Pvt Ltd Gujranwala
Taj Food has quite successfully approached to EU Markets with advisory services of Agrodynamics
Emad ud Din Ahmed
CEO - Organo Botanica Gilgit
We are very much satisfied with the services of Agrodynamics and we participated in EU Exhibitions
Muhammad Tariq Khan
CEO - Lutfabad Mangoes Multan
Agrodynamics has provided advisory services and we achieved our goals towards international markets
Ch Muhammad Riaz
CEO - Perfect Food Lahore
I am very much satisfied with services provided by Agrodynamics
Agrodynamics has provided advisory services for Export Coaching, Trainings, technical Assistance and participation in EU Exhibitions
Akbar Shah
Agrodynamics has coordinated for Export Coaching , Trainings, technical Assistance and participation in EU Exhibitions
Shoaib Zahid Malik
The Agrodynamis has provided Export Coaching, Trainings and participation in EU Exhibitions
Muhammad Ghafoor Khan
Agrodynamics has coordinated for Export Coaching, Trainings, participation in EU Exhibitions
Enam Ullah Ghazi
Agrodynamics has coordinated for Export Coaching and participation in EU Exhibitions
Muhammad Ali Khan (MAK)
Agrodynamis has provided Coordination & Technical Services for Boosting our Exports of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables to EU Market
Imtiaz Hussain
Taj Food has quite successfully approached to EU Markets with advisory services of Agrodynamics
Muhammad Abad
We are very much satisfied with the services of Agrodynamics and we participated in EU Exhibitions
Emad ud Din Ahmed
Agrodynamics has provided advisory services and we achieved our goals towards international markets
Muhammad Tariq Khan
I am very much satisfied with services provided by Agrodynamics
Ch Muhammad Riaz
Keep in Touch
59-C LARECHS Academy Road Walton-Cantt, Lahore-54810Mobile : +92-333-4345368Telefax: +92-42-36689068
Asif Shahzad graduated from University of Punjab, post-graduated (PGD-IT) in Software Engineering and completed his Masters (MBA) specializing in Human Resource Management from Virtual University of Pakistan. He has diversified work experience in different organizations.
He is practicing Soft & Web Management, Human Resource Management & Administration practices in various capacities since 2005 for Website Designing & Development, SEO of Websites, Content Writing, Data Analyzing Tools, Reports Generation, development of MS Excel base programs to centralize organization data, Capacity Building, IT & Software Training, Human Resource Management and Office Automation.
• Founder and Chief Executive Officer of AgroDynamics
• Market Analyst, trainer Value Chain Development & multi-stakeholder processes, SME development, B2B matchmaking
• Programming & facilitation of agro-biodiversity, landscaping
• Rural development
• Advisory Board member Master Programme ‘International Development Studies’ at Board member Communication & Marketing at the Founder and
• Market Analyst, trainer Value Chain Development & multi-stakeholder processes, SME development, B2B matchmaking
• Programming & facilitation of agro-biodiversity landscaping
• Director of Advisory Board member Master Programme ‘International Development Studies’ at the
• Board member Communication & Marketing at the Organic Agriculture Rural Development Foundation
Dr. Ijaz Ahmad’s Skills
Agronomy Pactices
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
Adviser Natural Ingredients for Food, Cosmetics & Pharmaceuticals
Who is Shakeel Ahmed?
Adviser Natural Ingredients for Food, Cosmetics & Pharmaceuticals.
• Accredited Trainer Market Research, market access requirements.
• Senior Consultant at sister company I. A. Enterprises.
• Master’s Degree Business Management
• Person
• Operations Director
• Languages: English, Urdu
• Personal traits: accurate, analytical, result-oriented
• Market Analyst and Trainer
• Public Relations Manager
• Personal traits: creative, resourceful and dedicated
Shakeel Ahmed’s Skills
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
Mr. Azmat Beg graduated from University of Agriculture Faisalabad in 1970. He has got Masters in 3 different disciplines, MSc in Environmental Sciences, M.Phil. in Water Resource Management and MSc (Hons) Agriculture specialized in Agronomy. He has work experience in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, The Netherlands and Australia.
Mirza Azmat Beg’s Skills
Water Resource Management
Social Studies
Mr. Azmat Beg is practicing professional Environmentalist in various capacities since 1972 for Preparation of Environmental Impacts Assessment (EIA), Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) reports of development projects, preparation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) of development projects, preparation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of Development projects, On farm water Management, In situ determination of soil physical and hydraulic parameters and soil salinity through sensors and Electromagnetic Devices and development of “Soil Moisture Retention Curves” for irrigation scheduling and reclamation of salt affected lands, Use of saline/sodic water and land for agriculture and forestry.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here.
• Strategy/Financial Director, HR Manager
• Senior Market Analyst and Consultant
• Master’s Degree Mass Communication
• Master, Degree in Pol. Science
• M Phil in Mass Communication
• Languages: English, Urdu
• Personal traits: people-oriented, reliable, cheerful
Adeel Ahmad Aamir’s Skills
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
Abdul Latif Chaudhary graduated from University of Agriculture Faisalabad in 1971 and completed his MSc (Hons) Agriculture specializing in Agronomy in 1973. He has got two years Advance Training Certificate in agriculture from OISCA International Tokyo Japan in the year 1978. He has work experience in Pakistan, Japan, Nigeria, Sultanate of Oman and State of Qatar.
He is practicing professional Agronomist/Agriculture Expert in various capacities since 1973 for project planning, preparation of feasibility reports and development plan, monitoring and evaluation, studies, preparation of institutional and integrated rural development plan of various agricultural, irrigation, drainage, water resource management and groundwater projects.
Abdul Latif Chaudhary’s Skills
Project Planning
Preparation of Feasibility Reports and Development Plan
Monitoring & Evaluation Studies
Preparation of Institutional and Integrated Rural Development Plan of Various Agricultural, Irrigation, Drainage, Water Resource Management and Groundwater Projects.